
理论与方法专栏 | 普遍语义句法 :语义结构分析法

理论与方法专栏 理论语言学五道口站 2022-06-09


《理论语言学五道口站》(2021年第52期,总第186期)理论与方法专栏为大家推荐荷兰莱顿大学俄语语言学副教授Egbert Fortuin 、日语语言学博士Hetty Geerdink-Verkoren的著作:Universal Semantic Syntax : A Semiotactic Approach(《普遍语义句法 :语义结构分析法》)。该书将于2021年10月在Cambridge University Press出版。


Universal Semantic Syntax :

A Semiotactic Approach

普遍语义句法 :语义结构分析法




Syntactic theory has been dominated in the last decades by theories that disregard semantics in their approach to syntax. Presenting a truly semantic approach to syntax, this book takes as its primary starting point the idea that syntax deals with the relations between meanings expressed by form-meaning elements and that the same types of relations can be found cross-linguistically. The theory provides a way to formalize the syntactic relations between meanings so that each fragment of grammar can be analyzed in a clear-cut way. A comprehensive introduction into the theoretical concepts of the theory is provided, with analyzes of numerous examples in English and various other languages, European and non-European, to illustrate the concepts. The theory discussed will enable linguists to look for similarities between languages, while at the same time acknowledging important language specific features.


-Egbert Fortuin-

Egbert Fortuin,莱顿大学俄语语言学副教授。他致力于语义、句法和语用,以及这些领域之间相互作用的研究。早期研究俄语,但对比较语义学、句法和语用学兴趣浓厚。他在LinguaCognitive LinguisticsRussian Linguistics等期刊上发表了大量文章。目前是《普通语言学和斯拉夫语言学研究》丛书的编辑。

Egbert Fortuin is Associate Professor of Russian Linguistics at Universiteit Leiden. His research focuses on semantics, syntax and pragmatics, and in the interaction of these domains. Even though his primary focus is on Russian, he is also interested in comparative semantics, syntax and pragmatics. He has published numerous articles in journals such as Lingua, Cognitive Linguistics and Russian Linguistics. He is currently editor of the book series Studies in General and Slavic Linguistics.

-Hetty Geerdink-Verkoren-

Hetty Geerdink-Verkoren,顿大学日语语言学博士,致力于英语及日语研究。她是《现代日语语义研究方法》的作者,目前担任日荷词典编纂项目的主编及负责人。

Hetty Geerdink-Verkoren studied English and Japanese and completed her Ph.D. in Japanese linguistics at Universiteit Leiden. She is the author of A Semiotactic Approach to Modern Japanese. She is also chief editor and content manager on a project for the compilation of a new Japanese-Dutch dictionary.


Heritage Language 族裔语

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审校:陈旭 李芳芳 田英慧

