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Members of Liwa (brigade) Hamzah, a newly formed Islamist brigade from the Syrian eastern city of Deir Ezzor take part in a rally in the centre of the city to announce their formation on February 25, 2013. Syria's opposition and foreign powers hold crucial talks in Rome with Washington suggesting it is ready to boost support to rebels in their struggle against President Bashar al-Assad. AFP PHOTO/ZAC BAILLIE (Photo credit should read ZAC BAILLIE/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: Zac Baillie/AFP/Getty Images

自2年多前叙利亚爆发反政府起义以来,该国部分地区的激进伊斯兰分子对记者构成最大威胁。在叙利亚北部城市阿勒颇以及伊德利卜等地区,宣誓效忠基地组织的伊拉克伊斯兰国家联盟和伊拉克伊斯兰国(ISIS) 最近几个月实施了多起绑架和袭击记者的行动。记者无疆界组织周六(11月9日)在一份相关报告中介绍了记者在叙利亚的危险处境。该报告指出,在叙利亚发生的系统劫持绑架记者事件以及该国不断变化的局势,使媒体工作的难度超过阿富汗以及利比亚等其它战乱国。