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Tibetan exiles carry Tibetan flags and a portrait of the spiritual leader Dalai Lama, center, during a candlelit vigil in Dharmsala, India, Tuesday, July 17, 2012 to express solidarity with Lobsang Lozin, an 18-year-old Tibetan monk whom they say died of self-immolation in southwestern China's Sichuan province. The International Campaign for Tibet says 42 Tibetans have self-immolated since March 2011. Activists say the self-immolations are in protest of Beijing's heavy-handed rule in the region. The Chinese government has confirmed some but not all of the deaths by self-immolation. (AP Photo/ Ashwini Bhatia)
Selbstverbrennung Mönche Tibet Protest图像来源: dapd

北京:出于对中国政府西藏政策的抗议,又有两名年轻藏人泼洒汽油后自焚。西藏流亡组织称,上述两名同为23岁的年轻人已经不治身亡。 来自伦敦“自由西藏”组织的消息称,僧侣贡楚帕杰(Kunchok Phelgyal)是在四川若尔盖地区一个寺庙的大堂中自焚身亡的。美国自由亚洲电台报道称,帕玛多吉是在甘肃一所寺庙的大门前自焚的。上述两人分别是11月以来的第30和第31名自焚者。2009年2月爆发抗议浪潮以来,已经有94名藏人自焚身亡。印度西藏流亡政府表示,一系列的自焚抗议行动显示藏人对政治压迫、经济边缘化以及文化同化的绝望。
