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Graves, dug for flood victims, are seen at the central cemetery in Krymsk in the Krasnodar region, southern Russia, July 9, 2012. Russia began a day of mourning on Monday for the 171 people killed in floods that drove thousands from their homes, with the causes of the disaster posing hard questions for the authorities, including President Vladimir Putin. REUTERS/Eduard Korniyenko (RUSSIA - Tags: DISASTER ENVIRONMENT POLITICS OBITUARY)
图像来源: Reuters

俄罗斯南部的洪水据估计至少造成了1亿欧元的损失。俄罗斯民防部长普契科夫(Wladimir Putschkow)承认,灾区民众事前未能得到充分预警;他还表示,灾民将从周二起得到紧急救灾物资。俄政府此前已经紧急拨款9500亿欧元用于减灾。在这场苏联解体以来最大规模的洪水中,已经有超过170人丧生,数以千计民众无家可归。俄罗斯已于本周一举行全国哀悼。