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Polish workers protesting a government plan to raise retirement age to 67 turn their backs to a screen with the image of Prime Minister Donald Tusk speaking about the plan in Parliament, in Warsaw, Poland on Friday, March 30, 2012. Many blow horns to jam Tusk as he talks about the need to raise the current retirement age of 60 for women and 65 for men in order to cut state budget deficit. (Foto:Czarek Sokolowski/AP/dapd)
图像来源: AP


在波兰首都华沙有约10万名工会会员举行集会,抗议政府把退休年龄从65岁改为67岁的计划。他们在波兰议会前集会。“团结工会” (Solidarnosc)已向议会递交一份倡议,要求对养老金计划举行公投。工会领导人杜达(Duda)表示,到现在为止,有大约200万人在请求公投的提案上签了字。