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Tibetan nuns stand outside the Taibaling Nunnery at Shusong Village in the mountains about 50 kilometers (31 miles) from the border with Tibet, in China's southwest Yunnan province Tuesday March 25, 2008. The nunnery was rebuilt on the site of a 300-year-old monastery after the monastery and the nearby nunnery were destroyed during China's 1966-76 Cultural Revolution. Some 130 Tibetan nuns currently study at the nunnery. (AP Photo/Greg Baker)
图像来源: AP

中国甘肃又一名藏人因抗议当局的西藏政策自焚。据德国国际通讯社援引自由西藏组织报道,52岁的坦丁多杰(Tamdrin Dorjee)周六(10月13日)在甘肃省甘南藏族自治州多河(Tsoe)寺附近自焚身亡。该组织称,多杰是一位活佛的祖父。位于印度达兰萨拉的流亡藏人行政中央证实了这一消息。据悉自焚事件发生后,当局派出武警进驻寺院及周围地区。自由西藏组织称,自2009年以来,已有超过50名藏人因不满中国政府对当地的管制而自焚。