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Protesters try to extinguish flames from a protester after he set himself on fire during a demonstration calling for social justice in Tel Aviv July 14, 2012. Some thousands of Israelis gathered in cities throughout the country to mark one year since the start of social protests demanding for more social welfare, local media reported. REUTERS/Ben Kelmer (ISRAEL - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY) ISRAEL OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN ISRAEL
图像来源: Reuters


又一名以色列人因自焚后死亡。据以色列媒体周三(8月1日)报道,45岁的残疾人马法伊(Akiwa Mafai)7月22日在特拉维夫的一个十字路口点火自焚,抗议社会不公,日前因伤势严重,在医院不治身亡。7月20日,57岁的以色列公民希尔曼(Mosche Silman)也在一次抗议社会不公的示威行动中自焚身亡。马法伊的兄弟指出,马法伊负债累累,已多次威胁自杀。他的残疾是在军队服役时落下的。以色列社会抗议运动要求降低维持生活费用,增加社会福利。去年夏天,这一抗议运动曾达到高潮。