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Bildnummer: 58820057 Datum: 17.11.2012 Copyright: imago/CHROMORANGE Greenland, Jakobshavn, Disko Bay Greenland, Jakobshavn, Disko Bay PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxONLY kbdig 2012 quer Arktis arktisch nordpol Arktischer Ozean ozeane Nordpolarmeer Dänemark Daenemark dänisch daenisch skandinavien draussen ausserhalb außen außerhalb eis eisberg eisberge Europa europäisch europaeisch gletscher Grönland Groenland himmelsszene wolke wolken Ilulissat Jakobshavn niemand keiner panorama panoramen ansicht ansichten aussicht aussichten reise reisen tag tageslicht umwelt wasser bewoelkt wolkig bewölkt 58820057 Date 17 11 2012 Copyright Imago Greenland Jacob\u0026#39;s Havn Disco Bay Greenland Jacob\u0026#39;s Havn Disco Bay Kbdig 2012 horizontal Arctic Arctic North Pole Arctic Ocean Oceans Arctic Sea Denmark Denmark Danish Danish Scandinavia outside Outside exterior Outside Ice Iceberg Icebergs Europe Euro Eisch Europe Glacier Greenland Greenland Cloud Clouds Ilulissat Jacob\u0026#39;s Havn Nobody None Panorama Panoramas View Views View Prospects travel Travel Day Daylight Environment Water bewoelkt cloudy Cloudy
圖片來源: imago



格陵蘭工業和礦業部長基爾克加德(Jens-Erik Kirkegaard)說:"這對於格陵蘭來說,是歷史性的時刻。"這是該島"有史以來最大的商業行動計劃",將對就業和國家財政收入帶來積極效果。到目前為止,這個享有內政自治權的丹麥屬地一直依賴於宗主國,財政預算的三分之一來自哥本哈根政府的撥款。島上居民的主要收入來源是漁業和農業。

ILULISSAT, GREENLAND - AUGUST 30: (ISRAEL OUT) ) Inuit locals work in a halibut fish processing plant on August 30, 2007 in Ilulissat, Greenland. Even though the disappearing ice cap could lead to higher sea levels all over the world, Greenland's Inuit population are the first to feel the effects of global warming. Records show that the average air temperature has risen by four degrees Celsius over the past decade while the water temperature has climbed by two degrees. Fishermen and hunters avoid the fjords where the ice has become too thin to travel on, and fish such as cod, that prefer warmer water, are beginning to be seen in their nets. (Photo by Uriel Sinai/Getty Images)
這裡的因紐特人多以捕魚為生圖片來源: Getty Images



今年3月,社會民主主義的前進黨憑借開采格陵蘭自然資源的口號贏得了選舉。哈蒙特(Aleqa Hammond)成為歷史上首位女性總理。她認為,格陵蘭有潛力成為世界上重要的鈾出口地區,"如果不能成為第一,至少也要排名前十"。




Aleqa Hammond leader of Siumut, the Greenland social democratic party (front) holds her ballot paper for the general elections on March 12, 2013 in Nuuk, Greenland. Greenland votes Tuesday in an election focused on the vast Arctic island's untapped mineral resources that promises to be a close race between incumbent Prime Minister, left-winger Kuupik Kleist and social democrat Aleqa Hammond. AFP PHOTO / SCANPIX DENMARK / ULRIK BANG / DENMARK OUT (Photo credit should read Ulrik Bang/AFP/Getty Images)
首任女總理哈蒙特圖片來源: Ulrik Bang/AFP/Getty Images



目前澳洲所有的格陵蘭礦產和能源公司(Greenland Minerals and Energy)正在對島上一處稀土礦藏進行勘探,這裡有望成為中國以外的最大稀土礦場。

來源:法新社、路透社 編譯:雨涵
