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Kurds living in Greece hold a banner featuring the portrait of former PKK leader Ocalan during a demonstration near the French embassy in Athens on June 27, 2009. Kurds marched to the French embassy demanding the release of the Kurds recently arrested in France for attacks on Turkish targets. AFP PHOTO/ Louisa Gouliamaki (Photo credit should read LOUISA GOULIAMAKI/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: AFP

(德國之聲中文網)阿卜杜拉‧厄賈蘭(Abdullah Öcalan)重返政治的聚光燈下。自1999年被捕,這位庫爾德工人黨的成立者和主席已入獄近14年。庫爾德衝突自1984年以來持續不斷。要尋求解決方案,厄賈蘭扮演著關鍵性的角色。12月底,在伊斯坦堡附近的伊姆拉利監獄島,土耳其秘密情報部門的一位高級官員與厄賈蘭開始新的對話:如何促使庫爾德工人黨放棄暴力。

土耳其總理艾爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)政府希望與厄賈蘭制訂出一份計劃,使得庫爾德反叛武裝有可能放下武器。據報導,伊拉克北部山區庫爾德工人黨的這位領導人將不會被送上法庭,而是獲准流亡。普通的庫爾德武裝成員則有機會重新融入社會。


[5567624] Öcalan auf Gefängnisinsel Captured Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan, blindfolded and handcuffed, stands against Turkish flags in this picture made available Thursday 18th February 1999 following his arrival on the prison island of Imrali. It was announced that Ocalan will be tried on the island, which is located in the Marmara Sea in Turkey's north-west. Three prosecutors from a state security court in Ankara are to travel to the island to interrogate him. dpa
厄賈蘭1999年被捕圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


目前時機的重要性還有另一個原因:明後兩年,土耳其將面臨一場選舉馬拉松,從地方選舉,到議會和總統選舉。伊斯坦堡的政治學家阿爾培(Sahin Alpay)分析說,由於面對三場選舉,艾爾多安這次會盡力實現和解目標。這場衝突已持續近30年,奪去數萬人的生命,引起民眾的厭戰情緒。如果找到和平解決的途徑,將在選舉中為政府大大加分。


Members of a pro-Kurdish party sit on the ground as they start on November 17, 2012 a two-day hunger strike in support of the several hundreds Kurdish inmates who have been on hunger strike for 67 days in Ankara. Around 700 hunger strikers are calling for the lifting of restrictions on the use of Kurdish language but their main demand is improved jail conditions for Abdullah Ocalan, the 62-year old leader of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). AFP PHOTO / ADEM ALTAN (Photo credit should read ADEM ALTAN/AFP/Getty Images)
厄賈蘭成功說服庫爾德在押囚犯停止絕食抗議圖片來源: Getty Images

土耳其副總理阿塔萊(Besir Atalay)表示,目標是促使庫爾德工人黨徹底放棄武力。為表達誠意,上周,土耳其有關部門首次批准庫爾德政治家前往伊姆拉利監獄島探望厄賈蘭。艾爾多安宣佈,除土耳其情報部門與厄賈蘭對話之外,與庫爾德工人黨其他領導人對話也存在可能。



[5598527] Öcalan-Prozeß Gefängnis-Insel Imrali (FILES) A file aerial view dated Saturday 20 February 1999 of the Imrali island in the Turkish Sea of Marmara, where Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan is detained. A Turkish State Security Court on Monday, 31 May 1999 trying Ocalan rejected a request by defence attorneys to adjourn the trial. Ocalan went on trial today on the prison island of Imrali off the Turkish coast. dpa
土耳其的伊姆拉利監獄島圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

安卡拉伸出橄欖枝,庫爾德工人黨仍持觀望態度。自厄賈蘭被捕後領導庫爾德反叛武裝的卡拉伊蘭(Murat Karayilan)表示,土耳其必須通過進一步的實際行動,來證實其誠意。這包括,改善厄賈蘭的關押條件,在土耳其憲法中正式承認庫爾德人的身份。


作者:Thomas Seibert 編譯:苗子
