What Germans eat in the summer
August 10, 2019"Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dine like a pauper" is an old adage in Germany.
The German tradition of "Abendbrot," which literally translates as "evening bread," is a very attractive option during the summer, as no cooking is involved. Instead of a big meal, a typical Abendbrot is made up of a selection of cheeses, cold cuts or sausage, and pickles served with slices of dark bread. Add a beer or an "Apfelschorle" (apple juice mixed with carbonated mineral water) to your meal, and you'll definitely be doing it the German way.
Otherwise, the classic German summer dishes presented in the gallery above are also easy to prepare. Don't be fooled, simplicity can be very addictive.
If regional and seasonal products are the stars of summer cuisine in Germany, potatoes remain the year-long supporting act. Here's more insight into the Germans' insatiable love affair with potatoes.
If ever it suddenly gets cold and you feel like warming up to a hearty meal, you can also turn to one of these German comfort foods typically prepared during the winter for inspiration.
However, we still hope this summer will stay one where children and adults will all feel like eating ice cream everyday, one of the eight sure signs it's summer in Germany.
You'll find more from Meet the Germans on YouTube or at dw.com/MeettheGermans.