Our Experts

Our team is diverse in its areas of expertise, combining global insight with regional knowledge.

Editorial expert at DWEditorial expert at DW

Looking for a commentator?

Our journalists are specialists in German and international politics, media, culture, economics, science and more. For booking, contact:

Birgit Maass

UK Correspondent

Maaß Birgit Kommentarbild App

Based in London, specialized in UK current affairs and UK-EU relations

Fanny Facsar

Senior International Correspondent

Deutsche Welle Portrait Fanny Facsar

Covers world affairs, conflicts, human rights and populism

Benjamin Alvarez Gruber

US Correspondent

Deutschland DW-Mitarbeiter Benjamin Alvarez Gruber

Based in Washington D.C., specialized in German and US politics as well as foreign affairs

Janelle Dumalaon

US Correspondent

Dumalaon Janelle Kommentarbild App

Focused on the intersection of US politics and business, with a special interest in US foreign policy in the Indo-Pacific

Julia Hahn

Turkey Correspondent

DW Julia Hahn

Based in Istanbul, covers Turkish domestic politics and foreign relations, social and economic issues and human rights

Edith Kimani

East Africa Correspondent and host of The 77 Percent

DW News Moderatorin Edith Kimani (Teaser)

Covers politics and social issues across Africa, with a focus on youth and climate change

Alexandra von Nahmen

DW Brussels Bureau Chief

von Nahmen Alexandra Kommentarbild App

Long-time foreign correspondent for DW with a focus on transatlantic relations, security policy, counterterrorism and NATO

Juri Rescheto

DW Riga Bureau Chief

Rescheto Juri Kommentarbild App

Specialized in covering developments in Russia, the Baltics, and the Caucasus

Sandra Petersmann

DW Delhi Bureau Chief

DW's Sandra Petersmann

Reporter and correspondent with a special focus on South Asia and post-conflict reporting

Mariel Müller

DW East Africa Bureau Chief

Mariel Müller, DW Ostafrika-Büroleiterin

Covers political, economical and humanitarian affairs, impact of climate change and armed conflict and how the growing youth is shaping the region

Jaafar Abdul Karim

Host of DW JaafarTalk

Journalist Jaafar Abdul Karim

Explores social issues affecting migrant and Middle Eastern communities, with a particular focus on integration, human rights and freedom of speech

Sarah Kelly

Anchor-at-Large and host of DW Conflict Zone

DW Conflict Zone Moderatorin Sarah Kelly (Teaser)

Focused on global affairs, geopolitics and human rights

Richard Walker

Chief International Editor

Richard Walker | News and Current Affairs

Specialized in international affairs, geopolitics and Asia

Maissun Melhem

Senior Editor and Anchor

Melhem Maissun Kommentarbild App

Focused on politics in the Middle East, Germany's AfD and migration, and the US elections from an Arab-American perspective.

Dima Tarhini

Senior Host

Massaiya DW Moderatorin Dima Tarhini (Composite)

Focused on Middle East politics and Middle East-Europe relations

Chiponda Chimbelu

Business journalist

Chiponda Chimbelu DW Journalist

Covers Africa's role in international politics, as well as diversity and inclusion

Jenny Perez

News anchor and host of DW Cuadriga

DW Jenny Perez

Specialized in governance, human rights and Latin American politics, with a focus on Chile and its relations with Germany and Europe.

Zulfikar Abbany

Senior editor fascinated by space, AI and the mind, and how science touches people

DW Zulfikar Abbany

Writer, editor, presenter and storyteller focused on science and life

Manuela Kasper-Claridge

Editor-in-Chief of DW

Manuela Kasper-Claridge

As editor-in-chief she's responsible for DW's editorial content across all 32 languages.

Max Hofmann

Head of News & Current Affairs

Hofmann Max Kommentarbild

Focused on Europe, USA, international news, current affairs, media business, management and transformation; former correspondent and anchor

Rosalia Romaniec

Head of Current Politics/Hauptstadtstudio News and Current Affairs

Rosalia Romaniec

Political news journalist with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe

Christian F. Trippe

Head of DW's Eastern Europe Department

Christian Trippe, Leiter der Hauptabteilung Osteuropa und DW Russisch

Specialized in reporting about the successor states of the Soviet Union and topics concerning global security

Debarati Guha

Head of DW's Asia Department

Guha Debarati Kommentarbild App

Senior editor focusing on politics, social structure in South Asia and gender related issues

Adelheid Feilcke

Director of Programs for Europe

DW Mitarbeiterporträt Adelheid Feilcke

In charge of the 10 DW language services for the extended European region between the Baltic Sea, the Adriatic and the Black Sea

Claus Stäcker

Head of DW's Africa Department

Staecker Claus Kommentarbild App

Focused on politics, demography and generational conflict

Yalda Zarbakhch

Head of DW Persian

 Yalda Zarbakhch

With a focus on Iranian interior and foreign policy as well as societal processes and women's rights in Iran

Erkan Arikan

Head of DW Turkish

DW's Erkan Arikan

Political reporter with a focus on events concerning Turkey, German domestic and foreign affairs policy, integration, migration and diversity

Vidi Legowo-Zipperer

Head of DW Indonesia

Vidi Athena Dewi Legowo-Zipperer DW-Mitarbeiterporträt

Specialized in Indonesian and German topics, with a focus on foreign policy, women and diversity and sports

Vanessa Fischer

Head of DW Environment

Vanessa Fischer

Specialized in environmental policy in Brazil and climate change adaptation in developing countries

Joscha Weber

Head of DW Fact-checking

Joscha Weber Bonn 9577

Editor and fact-checker focusing on separating facts from fiction and uncovering disinformation

Ingo Mannteufel

Head of IT and Cybersecurity

Mannteufel Ingo Kommentarbild App

Specialized in Russian media and politics, disinformation, internet freedom and cybersecurity

Oliver Linow

DW Internet Freedom Specialist

Oliver Linow - Internet Freedom Specialist

Internet freedom, cybersecurity, disinformation and digital safety

Sebastian Katthöver

Head of Audience Development

Sebastian Katthöver Bonn 0016

Specialized in social media analytics and digital transformation, he is also a co-founder of Pride@DW

Yasmina Al-Gannabi

Senior Audience Development Manager and Social Media Security Officer

DW Mitarbeiterportrait | Yasmina Al-Gannabi Neu

Expertise in audience growth, digital storytelling, innovative content strategies, community management and mental health awareness in the newsroom.