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Immigrant murders

Issues of democracy and globalization are on the minds of the readers after a gang of neo-Nazis was found to be murdering immigrants in Germany.

A photo line up of the murder victims
The victims were all of Turkish origins except one Greek manImage: picture alliance/dpa

The following comments reflect the views of DW-WORLD.DE readers. DW-WORLD.DE reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness of content.

Germany faces difficult questions over neo-Nazi murders

Is the threat of right wing terrorists a major concern?

Yes it is. In most cases, it shows some of the people are disappointed with their democratically elected ruling political parties who are not listening to the majority of their constituents. Whether the problems are social, military employment, the economy etc., government leaders seem unable to solve so many real concerns citizens have. -- G., Canada

In my opinion all the right-wing parties must be banned from all countries. If we cannot learn to live with other cultures we will not have a future. We will put ourselves in an eternal racial conflict and all the simple people will suffer the worst. It's so easy to live in peace with other cultures. What is happening in Germany is some members of these radical parties want to use an old solution to gain easy votes from the silly people. -- Marcio, Brazil

The biggest threat to democracy comes from those who want to ban political activity that opposes their agenda or public expression that disagrees with their ideology. When members of organizations such as NPD and NSU commit crimes, then prosecute those individuals for their crimes the same way as the law does with any other criminal. A crime is a crime. I am sick and tired of 'hate-crime' laws and politically-correct speech codes that governments and the media are always trying to impose upon us. -- Robert, US

I can understand that Germany has problems with right-wing extremism, the problem is it doesn't only happen there. In the UK you have the British Nationalist Party and the English Defence League who are right-wing extremist organizations. In the USA you have the American Nazi Party. My suggestion is that Neo Nazism is an international problem, where we all should take an international stance to defeat these right-wing extremists that are destroying the multicultural society that we know today. -- Jeff, UK

Compiled by Stuart Tiffen and Petra Kusserow
Editor: Andreas Illmer