Digital activism and social change: Views from the winners of the Bobs Awards
Hosted by: Deutsche Welle
![The Bobs Logo 2014 The Bobs Logo 2014](/dw.static/image/17735662_900.jpg)
The Internet has provided valuable tools for social and political change throughout the world. People join campaigns, exchange information and work together for common causes. Strengthening participation and interaction are key to any project that aims to mobilize citizens online. How do successful ones achieve that? Which are best practices? Each of the winners of Deutsche Welle's international online activism award, The Bobs, has come to the Global Media forum with a story to tell focusing on their individual experiences. Some of them have to endure censorship and repression at home. This session aims to amplify the voices of activists who successfully strengthen freedom of speech throughout the Internet.
With the emphasis on participation and interaction, the workshop will take place as a kind of "open living room", with the moderator only minimally guiding the conversation. Questions from the audience will be integrated from the beginning after a brief introduction of the panelists.
Three winners of The Bobs –Best of Online Activism Awards 2014
Best Blog
Mosa'ab Elshamy (Egypt)
Global Media Forum Award
Poovri Bhargava (Indien)
Reporters Without Borders Award
Dmytro Gnap (Ukraine)
Zeier, Kristin
Managing Editor for Social Media, Deutsche Welle, Germany