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Staff members work on the production line at the Foxconn complex in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, Southern city in China, Wednesday, May 26, 2010. The head of the giant electronics company whose main facility in China has been battered by a string of worker suicides opened the plant's gates to scores of reporters Wednesday, hours after saying that intense media attention could make the situation worse. (ddp images/AP Photo/Kin Cheung)
Foxconn China Shenzhen Technik圖片來源: dapd

蘋果公司在中國的供貨工廠勞動條件再度遭到批評。根據總部位於紐約的中國勞工觀察(China Labor Watch)周三公佈的一份報告,在受到調查的十家供貨工廠裡,工人們平均每個月加班長達100到130個小時,而且勞動條件對身體健康有害。根據這一報告,在富士康公司被發現的違反勞動法行為,在其他蘋果產品加工廠那裡也普遍存在,甚至有過之而無不及。薪水水準和加班費太低是一個主要問題。七成的工作人員都表示自己買不起蘋果公司的產品。中國勞工觀察組織致信給蘋果公司總裁庫克(Tim Cook),要求其兌現承諾,改善工人勞動條件。