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Myanmar Buddhist monks and others march Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2007, through the streets of Yangon in protest against the government. Cheered on by supporters, the Buddhist monks marched out for an eighth day of peaceful protest from Yangon's soaring Shwedagon Pagoda, while some 700 others staged a similar show of defiance in the country's second largest city of Mandalay. President Bush on Tuesday announced new U.S. sanctions against Myanmar, accusing the military dictatorship of imposing "a 19-year reign of fear" that denies basic freedoms of speech, assembly and worship (AP Photo)
圖片來源: AP



整個寺院看起來就像一個工地。僧人艾恩‧達卡(Eain Daka)在獄中服刑多年後被釋放,他說,修繕這座寺院非常必要。2007年袈裟革命後,這座寺院就被關閉了,並且大部分建築都被毀壞。


Chi1002 Birma Mönche - MP3-Mono



A truck carries Buddhist monks near the Shwe-Gu-Gyi pagoda in Bago, Myanmar Sunday, Oct. 28, 2007. More than 100 Buddhist monks marched and chanted in northern Myanmar for nearly an hour Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2007, the first public demonstration since the government's deadly crackdown last month. (AP Photo)
僧侶在抗議圖片來源: AP


潘納‧溫塔(Panna Wuntha)臉上的笑容比達卡少。溫塔是仰光附近一個小寺院丹瑞湯恩寺的住持。2007年,他也被逮捕,直到今年1月中旬才被釋放。溫塔說道:"這已經是我第二次進監獄了。1988年緬甸發生第一次大規模騷亂,我在監獄度過了8年。這次是四年,因為我是袈裟革命的領導人之一,我起草了革命的戰略方針。"

潘納‧溫塔的寺院在2007年未被毀壞。那裡沒有充當過反政府人士的集會地。但就在一周前這裡還來了秘密警察。他的房間被上鎖,並貼上了封條。他說: "當我從監獄裡出來時,我想的是,現在什麼都無所謂了,我破門而入,結果警察就來了,他們又把我的房間給封了。這可不是正常的生活。"

Myanmar Buddhist monks pray at Shwedagon pagoda before taking up the street in a march protesting against the military government Monday, Sept. 24, 2007 in Yangon, Myanmar. Myanmar's religious affairs minister warns Buddhist clergy to restrain demonstrating monks, or else government will act on its own against the protesting clerics. As many as 100,000 anti-government protesters led by a phalanx of Buddhist monks marched Monday through Yangon, the largest crowd to demonstrate in Myanmar since a 1988 pro-democracy uprising that was brutally crushed by the military. (AP Photo)***Zu Glass, Birmas Mönche - Schwierige Menschenrechtslage auch in Myanmar***
緬甸僧侶大規模抗議圖片來源: AP


丹瑞湯恩寺普通僧人的生活是,除了念經外,還要學很多英語。年輕僧人迪哈(U Ban Ditha)說道:"我總是早上5點起床,做早飯,然後整個上午帶著極大的熱情投入到英語的學習中。"


不過,據周五(2月10日)仰光的一名警察證實,甘比拉(Shin Gambira)在獲釋後曾開放了當局關閉的多個寺院。因此在獲釋四周後已被重新逮捕。

作者:Udo Schmidt 編譯:嚴嚴
