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----EDITORS NOTE---- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / NHET SOKHENG / ECCC" NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS This handout photo taken and released by the Extraordinary Chamber in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) on December 13, 2011 shows former Khmer Rouge leader "Brother Number Two" Nuon Chea (C) sitting in a dock of the courtroom in Phnom Penh. Cambodia's historic Khmer Rouge trial has barely begun but one verdict is already in: the fragile health and failing memories of the elderly accused and witnesses will make for a long, slow road to justice. AFP PHOTO / ECCC / NHET SOKHENG ----EDITORS NOTE---- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / NHET SOKHENG / ECCC" NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS (Photo credit should read NHET SOKHENG/AFP/Getty Images)
Kambodscha Rote Khmer Nuon Chea圖片來源: NHET SOKHENG/AFP/Getty Images

柬埔寨紅色高棉特別法庭宣佈,主管紅色高棉意識形態的負責人農謝(Nuon Chea)仍具有出庭受審的能力。聯合國該法庭主審法官在金邊表示,86歲的農謝儘管年事已高,但仍可以出庭受審。農謝和柬埔寨前國家主席喬森潘一同因民族屠殺、反人類罪和戰爭罪受到指控。兩人均否認自己的罪行。最初受到起訴的4名紅色高棉領導人中,前社會事務部長英蒂利因患老年痴呆已無法參與司法審判,前外交部長英薩利不久前去世。在上世紀70年代紅色高棉執政時期,柬埔寨有200萬人因政治迫害和暴力以及飢餓喪生。