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Tunisians gather outside the hospital in Ariana, on the outskirts of Tunis, after opposition figure and critic of Tunisia's ruling Islamists, Mohamed Brahmi was gunned down in front of his home, near the capital, on July 25, 2013. "Mohamed Brahmi, general coordinator of the Popular Movement and member of the National Constituent Assembly, was shot dead outside his home in Ariana," state media announced. AFP PHOTO / FETHI BELAID (Photo credit should read FETHI BELAID/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Fethi Belaid/AFP/Getty Images


歐盟共同外交與安全政策高級代表阿什頓最嚴厲譴責殺害突尼斯反對派人士卜拉欣(Mohamed Brahmi)事件,稱之為「政治謀殺」。阿什頓周五(7月26日)發表聲明,以歐盟的名義要求突尼斯當局全面查清謀殺事件,將責任人繩之以法。阿什頓在聲明中同時批評說,半年前謀殺了另一名反對派領袖的凶手迄今依然未被逮捕歸案。阿什頓指出,這樣的政治謀殺行為是民主制的敵人對共和國、對突尼斯人民和2011年1月14日革命價值的攻擊。突尼斯是爆發於2011年的「阿拉伯之春」革命運動的起點。在「阿拉伯之春」進程中,多個阿拉伯國家的長期掌權者被推翻。