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A protester displays a placard as he joins others in a demonstration in front of the US Capitol in Washington, DC, October 3, 2013, urging congress to end the federal government shutdown. The political crisis gripping Washington could trigger a 'catastrophic' US debt default, the Treasury warned Thursday, as America limped into day three of a government shutdown. Despite the looming danger to the US and world economies, there was no sign that either President Barack Obama or his Republican foes were ready to give ground. AFP Photo/Jewel Samad (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)
被迫回家的公務員:我們要工作!圖片來源: Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images

美國總統歐巴馬表示,相信自己的國家可以避免陷入無支付能力的困境。他在接受美聯社採訪時說,共和黨方面已經表現出積極的跡象。共和黨眾議院多數領袖博納爾(John Boehner)此前曾表態,美國一定會支付自己的賬單。從本周二開始,由於財政資金緊缺,美國大部分公共行政部門都停止運行,因為民主黨和共和黨不能及時就提高國家債務上限的問題達成一致。不過,眾議院目前在華盛頓達成一項協議,被強制無薪休假的國家公務員在財政預算問題解決之後將得到補償。眾議院已經一致通過了這項法律草案,預計參議院和國務院也都會相繼予以批准。