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A supporter of the religious party Idara Sirat-e-Mustaqeem holds a placard during a rally with some 600 other protesters against an anti-Islam film made in the U.S. mocking Prophet Mohammad, in Lahore September 23, 2012. A Pakistani minister offered $100,000 on Saturday to anyone who kills the maker of an online video which insults Islam, as sporadic protests rumbled on across parts of the Muslim world. REUTERS/Mohsin Raza (PAKISTAN - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST RELIGION)
圖片來源: Reuters


在鐵道部長比洛爾(Ghulam Ahmad Bilour)公開懸賞刺殺敵視伊斯蘭影片「穆斯林之無罪」的美國導演後,巴基斯坦政府表示不贊同暴力行為。伊斯蘭堡當局今天(9月24日)發表一份正式聲明稱,比洛爾部長的表態不反映政府的正式立場。比洛爾上周六公開懸賞10萬美元,刺殺這名引起爭議的美國製片人。據英國廣播公司報導,比洛爾所在的民族黨此前也表示與其劃清界限。