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Anti-Mursi protesters chant slogans during a mass protest to support the army in Tahrir square in Cairo, July 26, 2013. Many of those Egyptians opposed to ousted President Mohamed Mursi say their admiration for the army has never wavered, and that any anger was always directed at the generals in charge. In the turbulent world of Egyptian politics since Hosni Mubarak, a former air force marshal, was toppled, the military is seen as an institution that offers stability. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany (EGYPT - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
Ägypten 26.07.2013 General Abd al-Fattah al-Sisis Demonstration圖片來源: Reuters

埃及軍方領導人塞西(Abd al-Fattah as-Sisi)要求華盛頓對穆斯林兄弟會施加影響,促使他們自願結束持續已久的抗議活動。塞西在接受《華盛頓郵報》採訪時說,如果美國能夠利用其強大的影響力幫助解決衝突的話,那麼他將對此非常歡迎。這位軍方領導人在穆爾西被解除總統職位之後首次接受的媒體採訪中強調,3000萬民眾都在期待著他走出這一步。周六,埃及內政部再次要求穆爾西的支持者撤走其設在首都開羅的示威營地。但抗議者堅持要求,禁止軍方及其領導人塞西參與有關埃及政治前途的對話。