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A riot police officer stands guard during a protest by members of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi in front of El-Thadiya presidential palace in Cairo, August 30, 2013. Thousands of supporters of Mursi marched through Cairo and cities across Egypt on Friday to demand his reinstatement, in the movement's biggest show of defiance since hundreds of protesters were killed two weeks ago.REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
Ägypten Kairo am 30. August 2013圖片來源: Reuters

埃及臨時政權周四(9月12日)宣佈將8月中旬生效的緊急狀態延長兩個月。埃及臨時總統曼蘇爾(Adly Mansour )的發言人在一份聲明中表示,該決定是根據國家安全局勢發展做出的。8月14日,埃及警方在開羅兩個廣場上對前總統穆爾西的支持者實施清場行動,示威者隨後與安全部隊發生暴力衝突,導致1000多人喪生。伊斯蘭分子譴責基督教徒支持安全部隊,並焚燒了數十處教堂及科普特教會的地產。「緊急狀態」保證安全力量可以在沒有證據的情況下對任何人進行逮捕或檢查。按照曼蘇爾接受的臨時憲章,緊急狀態在實施三個月後只有通過全民公投才能繼續延長。