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epa03803692 Egyptian Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim addresses a press conference about overnight clashes between security forces and supporters of ousted president Morsi, at the Interior Ministry, Cairo, Egypt, 27 July 2013. Clashes early 27 July between Egyptian police and backers of ousted Islamist president Mohammed Morsi in Cairo left 21 people dead, health authorities said, hours before an army ultimatum to Islamists was to expire. The Health Ministry reported that about 180 were injured in the clashes that police said broke out after Morsi_s supporters tried to block the October 6 Bridge, which links Cairo_s east and south. Morsi_s Muslim Brotherhood put the toll at 120 people, saying they were killed in a _massacre_ by the army and police near an area in north-eastern Cairo where followers of the Islamist group have been camping and protesting for four weeks. EPA/AMEL PAIN
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


不明身份者周四(9月5日)對埃及內政部長易卜拉欣(Mohammed Ibrahim)實施汽車炸彈襲擊。據安全部門通報,易卜拉欣位於納塞爾城官邸附近發生爆炸,至少有4人受傷,當時,易卜拉欣的車隊正從那裡前往內政部,易卜拉欣本人無恙。當局未提供更多細節。埃及媒體也報導了內政部長車隊遇襲的消息。埃及國內迄今鮮少發生炸彈襲擊事件。觀察家相信,此次汽車炸彈襲擊行為可能同上周末基地組織在西奈半島的一名頭目被埃及安全部隊逮捕有關。