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Smoke billows from the burning German embassy in Khartoum as a policeman stands next to a man preparing to extinguish the fire that was caused by protesters demonstrating against a low-budget film mocking Islam on September 14, 2012. Around 5,000 protesters in the Sudanese capital angry over the amateur anti-Islam film stormed the embassies of Britain and Germany, which was torched and badly damaged. AFP PHOTO / ASHRAF SHAZLY (Photo credit should read ASHRAF SHAZLY/AFP/GettyImages)
圖片來源: AFP/Getty Images


chi 1409 Sudan - MP3-Stereo


在本周二(9月11日),位於利比亞第二大城市班加西的美國使館在夜間遭襲,美國大使施蒂文斯(Chris Stevens)及其三名員工被打死。


FILE - In this Monday, April 11, 2011 file photo, U.S. envoy Chris Stevens, center, accompanied by British envoy Christopher Prentice, left, speaks to Council member for Misrata Dr. Suleiman Fortia, right, at the Tibesty Hotel where an African Union delegation was meeting with opposition leaders in Benghazi, Libya. Libyan officials say the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans have been killed in an attack on the U.S. consulate in the eastern city of Benghazi by protesters angry over a film that ridiculed Islam's Prophet Muhammad. The officials say Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed Tuesday night when he and a group of embassy employees went to the consulate to try to evacuate staff. The protesters were firing gunshots and rocket propelled grenades. (Foto:Ben Curtis, File/AP/dapd)
美國大使施蒂文斯(Chris Stevens)在本周二的襲擊中遇難圖片來源: dapd


在蘇丹首都喀土穆,約5000個示威者聚集在德國大使館以及其附近的英國大使館門前,舉行了抗議。為何示威者選擇德國和英國大使館的動機之前並不清楚。蘇丹曾經批評德國政府,因為後者批准了右翼極端分子持有穆罕默德漫畫的示威遊行。另外據稱,在2010年,德國總理梅克爾(Angela Merkel)給一位丹麥藝術家頒布了"波茨坦M100"媒體獎,這位藝術家在2005年曾畫過穆罕默德的漫畫。丹麥報紙《日德蘭郵報》刊登了12幅穆罕默德漫畫之後,再全世界範圍內引發了暴力事件,造成在中東、亞洲以及非洲地區至少50人死亡。

A Sudanese demonstrator shouts slogans after protesters torched the German embassy in Khartoum during a demonstration against a low-budget film mocking Islam on September 14, 2012. Around 5,000 protesters in the Sudanese capital angry over the amateur anti-Islam film stormed the embassies of Britain and Germany, which was torched and badly damaged. AFP PHOTO / ASHRAF SHAZLY (Photo credit should read ASHRAF SHAZLY/AFP/GettyImages)
位於喀土穆的德國駐蘇丹大使館門前憤怒的抗議者圖片來源: AFP/Getty Images



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