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Nordkorea besteht auf zivilem Atomprogramm - Sechser-Runde Negotiators for the six-party nuclear talks join hands before the start of a banquet meeting in Beijing, 13 September 2005. From L-R Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Alexeyev, Director General of Japanese Foreign Ministry's Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau Kenichiro Sasae, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Christopher Hill, North Korea's Vice Foreign Minister Kim Gye Gwan and South Korea's Deputy Foreign Minister Song Min-soon. Six-party talks aimed at ending North Korea's nuclear weapons programmes reconvene in Beijing after a five-week recess, with Pyongyang and Washington still at an impasse over Pyongyang's demand for a civilian nuclear programme. EPA/CLARO CORTES IV/POOL +++(c) dpa - Report+++
圖片來源: dpa


據韓國聯合通訊社報導,北韓周三(9月18日)要求在沒有先決條件的情況下重啟朝核問題六方會談。北韓外務省第一副外相金桂冠(Kim Hye Gwan)在北京舉行的紀念六方會談十周年研討會上表示,北韓方面已做好準備,願在不設先決條件的情況下重返六方會談。六方會談機制是在北韓於2003年宣佈退出禁核條約後建立的,旨在以和平方式解決北韓核武爭議。中國是六方會談的東道主。此次為期一天的紀念六方會談十周年研討會亦由中方組織。六方會談的最後一次會議於2008年5月舉行。多年來,北京一直致力於重啟六方會談,美、韓、日等國家態度猶豫。這三個國家均要求平壤首先承諾裁核。