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人權組織稱iPhone5鄭州工人罷工 富士康否認



A worker looks out through the logo at the entrance of the Foxconn complex in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen Thursday, May 27, 2010. A young man became the 10th worker to jump to his death at a Foxconn Technology Group factory in the city, just hours after the company's chairman toured the plant that makes iPods and other top-selling gadgets, state-run media said. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)
圖片來源: AP

(德國之聲中文網)據人權組織中國勞工觀察報導,蘋果供應商鄭州富士康工廠內發生大規模罷工。該組織稱,10月5日凌晨的罷工導致手機"iPhone 5" 的生產線一度陷入癱瘓。廠區內有3000至4000工人參加了罷工,以抗議對品質控制標準的提升。




Workers walk past several paramilitary police vehicles near an entrance of a Foxconn Tech-Industry Park as onlookers watch from the outside in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, September 24, 2012. Taiwan's Foxconn Technology Group closed its Taiyuan plant in northern China on Monday after a personal dispute spiraled into a brawl involving 2,000 workers in a dormitory late on Sunday night, injuring 40. The Taiyuan plant makes automobile electronic components, consumer electronic components and precision moldings. REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA - Tags: BUSINESS CIVIL UNREST SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYMENT) CHINA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN CHINA
9月底太原富士康發生斗毆圖片來源: Reuters

此次罷工正處在蘋果向全球發售新款智慧型手機iPhone 5數周後的關鍵時刻。分析家表示,蘋果已經疲於應付"龐大"的需求量。從9月12日,蘋果舉行完iPhone 5發布會後的24小時內,蘋果的官方網站上就收到200萬預訂。業內專家估計,到2012年底,蘋果將售出5000萬部iPhone 5。現在,全球的蘋果迷能拿到iPhone 5的畢竟是少數。對蘋果在中國的代工廠富士康來說,這意味著需要更大的"生產力"。


綜合報導:嚴嚴 來源:路透社