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--File--A customer shops for imported wine at a supermarket in Fuzhou city, southeast Chinas Fujian province, 28 March 2011. Foreign wine imports are growing rapidly in China, as the nation has imported a record of US$1.27 billion of bottled wine in 2011, up 94 percent year-on year. However, the value of imported loose-packed wine was down 20 percent from the previous year to US$120 million, according to the statistics released at the first China Worldwide Wine Summit Forum. The sale of imported bottled wine first surpassed imported loose-packed wine in 2009, Xinhua news agency quoted Lin Feng, vice president of H & J Consulting Company. The sale of imported bottled wine doubled that of loose-packed wine in two years, indicating that the imported wine market is evolving from low-end to high-end, Lin said during the forum held in Hefei, capital of Anhui Province. According to statistics provided by the China Culture Association of Poetry and Wine (CCAPW), also the sponsor of the forum, the total volume of imported wine increased 76.5 percent and 80.9 percent in 2010 and 2011 respectively.
China Importzölle auf Wein aus Europa圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa
