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A tag reading 'Defendant Zschaepe' is pictured in the court before the trial of Beate Zschaepe, a member of the neo-Nazi group National Socialist Underground (NSU), in Munich May 6, 2013. The surviving member of NSU blamed for a series of racist murders that scandalised Germany and shamed its authorities goes on trial on Monday in one of the most anticipated court cases in recent German history. The trial in Munich will focus on 38-year-old Zschaepe, who is charged with complicity in the murder of eight Turks, a Greek and a policewoman between 2000-2007, as well as two bombings in immigrant areas of Cologne, and 15 bank robberies. REUTERS/Michael Dalder (GERMANY - Tags: POLITICS CRIME LAW)
圖片來源: Reuters/Michael Dalder


中斷一星期後,被視為德國戰後史上最重要審判案之一的「NSU(國家社會主義地下組織)案」今天(5月14日)恢復庭審。這個極右翼恐怖組織被控犯有襲擊罪、搶劫罪和系列謀殺罪,在多年時間裡先後殺害8名在德土耳其人和希臘人及一名德國警察。主被告貝亞特‧切培(Beate Zschäpe)和另外4名從屬被告被押解到庭。5月6日,該案開庭首日即因辯護方提出針對主審法官的「迴避申請」而中斷。控方指責辯護方使用拖延戰術。主審法院—慕尼黑高等州法院近日裁決駁回「迴避申請」。為保障庭審安全,當局出動了約350名警察。與一周前庭審首日不同,今天在法院前未發生示威活動。