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epa03841638 A citizen journalism handout image provided by the Local Committee of Arbeen is said to show UN inspectors collecting samples during their investigations at Zamalka, east of Damscus, Syria, 29 August 2013. UN chemical weapons inspectors are to leave Syria 31 August morning, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said. They would continue their investigations and would draw up a report as soon as they have left Syria, Ban said. On 29 August, they spent their third day in the field. EPA/LOCAL COMMITEE OF ARBEEN / HANDOUT BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE. EPA IS USING AN IMAGE FROM AN ALTERNATIVE SOURCE AND CANNOT PROVIDE CONFIRMATION OF CONTENT, AUTHENTICITY, PLACE, DATE AND SOURCE. HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


聯合國紐約總部的外交官稱,聯合國敘利亞化武核查員顯然獲得了間接證據,可證明大馬士革「8.21」毒氣攻擊事件是敘利亞當局所為。以瑞典人塞爾斯特倫(Ake Sellström)為首的核查專家小組下周一(9月16日)將公佈核查報告。多名外交官指出,該報告雖不會直接點名責任方,但報告中的「確鑿事實」將讓人得出明確的結論,聯合國秘書長潘基文將決定是否點明責任者。聯合國的西方外交官確信,塞爾斯特倫報告將證實美國政府的指控,根據這一指控,敘利亞政府軍對平民使用了沙林神經毒氣彈。