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Thousands of demonstrators march in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv on December 2, 2013. Ukrainian protesters on December 2 blockaded administrative buildings and camped on Kiev's central square in a bid to oust the government after police brutality and a row over an EU pact plunged the nation into its worst political crisis in a decade. Incensed by a crackdown on an opposition rally calling for the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovych and his government, more than 100,000 led politicians including world boxing champion Vitali Klitschko poured into the streets of Kiev and other Ukrainian cities on December 1. AFP PHOTO / YURIY DYACHYSHYN (Photo credit should read YURIY DYACHYSHYN/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Yuriy Dyachyshyn/AFP/Getty Images

數千名烏克蘭示威者在基輔舉行抗議活動,佔領市政廳並封鎖政府駐地入口,對政府拒絕簽署與歐盟的一項重要協議表達不滿。烏克蘭政府總理阿扎羅夫(Mykola Azarov)指責親歐盟示威者已經「失去控制」。他在歐盟國家、加拿大和美國大使表示,阻止國家機關工作的行為不是和平示威,已經有「政變」跡象出現,「情況非常嚴重」。他警告稱,抗議人群佔領政府建築將導致數天之內無法發放退休金和薪水,並宣稱有人計劃攻佔議會。
另據路透社報導,儘管國內局勢動蕩,烏克蘭總統雅努科維奇(Viktor Yanukovich)在接受電視媒體採訪時表示,將按原計劃在周二開始對中國進行為期四天的訪問。