Venice carnival opens in style
The 2016 carnival season has begun with Venice's traditional masqueraders taking to St. Mark's Square. The centuries-old celebration is known for its elaborate costumes and fantastic sights.
Starting spectacle
Saturday saw the lavish opening ceremony of Venice's 2016 carnival. The celebration is an annual event marking the run-up to the Christian season of Lent, ending on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday.
Masking masks by hand
Hand-crafted masks made my local artisans have always been an important part of Venice's carnival. Local lore says that carnival itself began all the way back in 1126 in honor of a military victory by what was then the Venetian Republic.
Baroque beauty
Elegant dresses inspired by centuries past are an integral part of carnival fashion. Most wear the costumes to several of the cultural events and parties the city hosts as part of the festival.
Plague doctor out to play
The "Medico della peste" style mask is one of the distinct types created by Venetian artisans. "Medico della peste" means "plague doctor" and is based on a old method used by physicians to stop the spread of illness.
Venetian culture on parade
After many years in the shadows, the Venice carnival was revived in 1979 to celebrate the city's particular culture. This year's theme is "Creatum: introducing arts and tradition."
Millions of partygoers
Performers take part in the opening festivities on the Canal Grande. Carnival draws around 3 million guests to Venice each year.
Forbidden festival
Venice carnival runs from January 23 to February 9. For a long time when Venice was under Austrian rule in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, the entire celebration was forbidden.