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Mori's fact sheet

Mori September 20, 2015

He lives in a tree house in the forest, and avoids the typical pressures of modern society. Yet Mori is ready to fight to change a few things about it.

Generation 25 Protagonist Mori

What is your name?

Where and when were you born?
On March 2, 1990, in Giessen

What is your current place of residence?
Hambacher Forst

Tell us about an image that will never be erased from your memory.
A few of my fellow anti-coal activists were arrested after being stopped in front a coal plant just recently. They were asked for their IDs. The driver showed his license, but all the passengers refused to identify themselves and so they had to spend a night in jail. I went to pick them up and was shocked to see how beat they all were. I had never seen anyone come out of a police station looking like that. They had tears in their eyes, were completely absent-minded, and had bruises and scratches all over. They then told me that up to eight police officers would sit on one person to violently force them to have their fingerprints taken.

If you could choose one person to meet, dead or still alive, who would this be and why?
The next person I'll meet hitchhiking. Everyone has an exciting story to tell - you don't need to be famous for that. Most of the time, people you get to know by chance are way more exciting than those who think they're important.

What would have happened if the Berlin Wall had never come down?
I would probably still be where I am now.