How stickers are used for propaganda
April 21, 2016
They already enjoyed a high degree of popularity in times of the German Empire: adhesive labels, nowadays called stickers. They're simple to produce and distribute, and they've been used to popularize particular worldviews.
That's why the Nazis, among others, used them for propaganda purposes. Stickers continue to be used for spreading political messages today. In the exhibition "Sticky messages - Anti-Semitic and Racist Stickers from 1880 to the Present," the German Historical Museum in Berlin scrutinizes these adhesive labels.
The exhibits mostly come from the private collection of Wolfgang Haney. Born in Berlin in 1924, he has collected artifacts from theNazi era throughout his life. In light of the current refugee crisis, they show frightening parallels between present times and the era from 1933 to 1945.
The exhibition is on show in the German Historical Museum in Berlin from April 20 through July 31, 2016.