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Brazilian visit

December 3, 2009

Berlin and Brasilia will strive to forge a meaningful deal on climate change in Copenhagen. The governments will also work together on preparations for the Olympics and soccer World Cup.

The chancellor and Brazilian president standing at their microphones
Merkel and Lula agree on the importance of a climate treatyImage: AP

Germany and Brazil have voiced unity in their efforts to stem global warming during a visit to Berlin by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Lula and German Chancellor Angela Merkel also signed a deal to help Brazil with its staging of the Olympic Games in 2016 and the soccer World Cup in 2014.

The leaders said they would strive for next week's world climate conference in Copenhagen to be a success. "We will do our best to make Copenhagen an important step forward," said Merkel.

A joint statement said the two leaders' common aim is, "an agreement on all significant elements of a new climate agreement and on a timetable for the conversion of the Copenhagen agreement into a binding climate accord."

"All must make a contribution"

The chancellor said that Germany and the EU had a responsibility to give developing and emerging nations both financial and technological help. She added that all countries could make a contribution, praising Brazil. "Emerging countries are also responsible", said Merkel. "Brazil is taking on these challenges."

However, Lula conceded that the negotiations would not yield perfect results. "We won't reach the agreement of our dreams in Copenhagen," he said.

Although European Union nations have broadly agreed that the increase in temperatures should not exceed two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), many countries outside the EU are less keen.

Brazil and Germany also agreed on a bilateral project to protect rainforests and develop renewable energy, amounting to 295 million euros.

A female fan with a German flag that she is holding aloft behind her
Germany's hosting of the World Cup was deemed to be a successImage: AP

Help with sports events

As part of the agreement over the two major sporting events, Brazil will be able to take advantage of advice on policing from Germany, which was widely praised for its hosting of the 2006 World Cup. "Germany is very ready to contribute its experience," said Merkel.

German companies hope to win major construction orders in connection with the World Cup and the Olympics, with Brazil set to spend the equivalent of 200 billion euros on infrastructure, including venues.

The two leaders also spoke about the Iranian atomic weapons program and a controversial visit by Iranian president Mahmud Ahmadinejad to Brasilia last month. Merkel said that she was happy for as many countries as possible to talk to Iran.

Editor: Michael Lawton

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