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Banding together

March 15, 2023

On this week’s show, we’re looking at stories from across the globe about what happens when communities band together to solve big problems. The Yanomami fighting back against Brazil’s illegal goldminers, restoring India’s bodies of water, a Swiss restaurant serving the poor, and more.


This week, we’re taking a closer look at local efforts to tackle big problems.

In Brazil, illegal goldmining in the Amazon has led to the spread of disease among the indigenous Yanomami population. With the departure of Jair Bolsonaro, the indigenous group is finally making inroads against the illegal mining activities, but the fight isn’t even close to over.

Farther afield in India, we’ll hear from a local man who has found that strength in numbers has been key in restoring bodies of waters all but dried up by extended periods of drought.

And then it’s off to Switzerland, where a restaurant in Geneva is offering fine dining to people who can’t afford a hot meal, on the house.

Plus, a listen to the gorgeous music of the oud, the thick-bellied instrument similar to a lute. Its music has come under attack by religious fanatics in Iraq, where the instrument’s history goes back thousands of years. We’ll hear from an oud-maker determined to keep the music going.

Kathleen Schuster headshot at DW
Kathleen Schuster Kathleen Schuster is a freelance producer and host of DW’s environment podcast Living Planet
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